Ode To My PC
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I'm a slave to all things computer-related. As a tribute to the wonders of modern (or in my case, 'modem') technology, here are some amusing images dedicated to my obsession.
Scroll down, and also scroll to the right.

Being an internet addict is a labor of love

Here's a self-help book for dummies
No home office should be without it!

----------------------->>> Sound familiar?
Opportunity awaits

Hide your mouse ---------------------->>>
<<------------- Sound Familiar?

<<------------------ Just One Reason I'm Not Sold On AOL

<<--------- Gospel According To Gates
These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.
Meet the Newest Representatives of the Windows Support Team ------->>
I believe I spoke to these monkeys regarding a Windows issue last week

One Final Word on Windows Millennium - IT SUCKS!